Thursday, January 28, 2010


Hi guys..some masterpieces of kawans minta buatkn!

now any requestsss?

Sunday, January 24, 2010

lost update line~

heyy guys, sorry for no updations. im too broken now a new life came to me... and it's called 'the single life' huhu! hurts

btw, how are you guy feeling?? my friend c ALIP im asking you guys juaa
*kes jobless
btw, i've been better and still single....4months sygggg
hahaha akeyh3 abis dahhh today the morning part, aku jln2 with my sibs and daddy.
we went to restaurant my nini and ke guitar be tukar the strings..heheee
lawa2, then aku dngr2 lgu BODY LANGUAGE by JESSE McCARTNEY
haha chantek2 my fav part; mau tauu??
it's ;
Parlez vous francais?
Come and move in my way
Hey, little chica from Guadeloupe
That thing you got behind you is amazing

Now, I don't speak Spanish, Japanese or French
But the way that body's talkin' definitely makes sense
It's her, her body, her body, her body language

i like last nite my friend azemah dari Saidina Husiien, she tanya aku, if what song am i listening? i answer jesse Mac's body language.. ia tnya lagii, lawa kah?? repeating*
i said totally lawa! haha so ia download...
back to story so I was listening to that song when my dad cabar my adik c Apish to drive imean he was like 10? huhu..he drive bisai g tu nice and easy but arah steering wheel sja...nda lain...hahah
i totally freak out bnr2..aku scared bahh!
then ke kadai aku bali ice-cream yg strawbewyy nyaman2. then; the lagu tukar too
ignorance...aku nyanyi mcm urg gila. gila brabisss bahhh/// haha untuk uncle kaling atu nda mind mun ia arrested nehh
hahaha kidds* bah out ku nehh...bubyee!! baii!

Monday, January 18, 2010


RIP to Jaziman(Jasmine*january empat* and Aziman*April empat*)


i afraid that it's so hurt!

you know the nightmare tym atu i mention ritee?? yg my boyfiee putusi happened today! huhu...i cried bnyk2 today..its hurt bah! 4 months 26 days kami dating! imisshim dahh!
knpa mesti ia putusi aku...aku sygkn ia berabis. bahh...don't wanna talk about it... hurts much!

Sunday, January 17, 2010


morning loverss! haaa, i bru mndi..haahs, aku kn ke rumah my afeeqs. hehehe
RAMAI2 sygg, with Amalina, Syera, Edoraa and maybe Aziemahh! heehs
What do you think I should wear? Green sja's cute bah. Im wearing green/white t-shirt and a light green jacket, with black skinnies. and FYI, im not EMO!! eww~
Haah, sorry long update tak busy~caress

so what should i say, yesterday kmi
siuk2first is reading period~ we(8a) bnyk ketawa2 haha...dont know whyy. hee, it started by hasyim..he balik2 nanya cigu so kmi ikut2 and then tawa2 no reading afterall. ahaaa ada lahh sikit2 then Eng,
Eng; gad, matiii~ kami bnyk kna's about our composition bah! my is 18/20 kna suruh rewrite then my friend 19/20 rewrite jua... god! ngalehh bhhh!
the blablabla! gaa then
before that(the belajar) me and nick ckp2...aww imisshim! so much~ hee he said, Im so close to him...just for bestie. so we laugh HAHAHA
then blabla...

Tyme maths caliie sngt~
the teacher tkut bahh. cause the projector screen nda dpt we pksa to naik it atas to the top of white board. haahs, kami tkut2kn cgu. cgu pun tkut hahaa

bis tu, tyme mlmnya i keep feeling muntah and not feeling well..but then around 8:52 pm, aku main gitar ku..with the song Fearless - Taylor Swift!,, lawaa...nda rain just a simple night..bahbah
itu sja..

Bye loverss...

Friday, January 15, 2010

hujann lgii~

Mahnn, nda branti2nya ujan anee..haaa bordismm

so what's up?? im total blank nehhh. hahaaa...since im new here, im gonna ask cna kn link arh blog yg lenn.. bdw what am i doing typing and dngr lgi whatcha say by jason derulo

cantik lgunyaaa bahh. hahaha..BLANK out nehh ok2 aku ceta sikit2 sjaa

Im blogging cause of erika and wanna show off my pics..sbnrnyaaa haaa
but then let's blog! hahaha..i just main my guitar a song of miley cyrus - the climb. haaa hujannn trus...but not labat bahh...ahhhaa so my version of the climb is a little bad..huhu. i was chatting with erika in fb. with my afeeqahh...
afeeqs and me were talking about munakahat...cause she's gonna married this ahad..*kidding x* ahhaa so i'll make the invitation bahhh..haaa
then c wadi*future husband c afeeqs* curri like our wall...haaaa..penyibuk! haaa.
way before, last tdi
kn ada ku ckp aku kn mndi??actually aku liat tv and then bru mndii.. haaa kul 12:13 pm bru mndii haah.
then bru mamam...nyama nasi was nasi lemak ayam masak merah=1 dollar in leApple bali...nyaman sygg

haa..then aku dance's a routine mann...abis mkn trus dance..i was dancing to a song name DANCING SHOES by AJ from KOREA...lwa lgunya,,,,music owns my life..then nari lgi
lagu PCD=WhenIGrowUp. haaa
then lgi lgu
METROSTATION=SHAKE IT..but i stopped cause mau nyanyi
Aku nyanyi lgu Starstrukk by katy parry(perry) ft 3OH!3
and lgu 21st Century Breakdown by GreenDay
then lagu paramore
haaa lwaa lagu JASON DERULO=WHATCHA SAY sygg... haaa

bahbah enough...bubyee


"I love you like you love me, like something pure and holy, Like something that could never be replace!"

That lines were inside my head from semalam!! gadd. morning guyss..just woke up. Tired much. baru bgun trus d suruh mandii. I said " krg bahhhh!" hahha then my amah ckp" Jasmine, mknanmu tu! sejuk krg atau d mkn krg uleh kaka mu!" then i said " aku mndii lu bru ku mkn!" then
aku blog2 sjaa! haha today not much but i dreamt lahh that my boyfiee dumped me because of me. he said, me namau u selalu sma kwn2 u yg laki2. me nda suka, bek tah me putus sma u. then aku ckp, mna ada me selalu sma lelaki. me selalu sygkn u sja. sma lelaki lain nda. please jgn tinggalkn me. mesti u lupa janji tane ne! yath u putuskn... nda papa u!
The, he lefted with the 3 words "ILOVEYOU" then i cried in my sleep and i woke up cause too afraid of that will hapeen.
it was like 2:18 AM!
i called him bah... wait for ringss and then he answer with a yawning voice
i said " me namau putus sma u, me sygkn u berabis. syg bnr2. jgn putuskn me. Iloveyou syg!"
he said" syg, u tau me nda kn tinggalkn, me syg u jua. ane aher dh bek th tdur. me loveu bnr jua. me nda tinggalkn u ne. Knpa? u mimpi buruk ka?"
aku diam2 sjaa...
He said " syg, jgn th menangis g. mesti mimpi tane putus lgi kn? bahbah, me sma u sjaa.. me tunggu u tdur, bru th me tutup telepun, iloveyousygku"
and yes i have those dreams several times!
i cerita with him at school last year!
he was so sweet to calm me down bah.
this was like the 5th time aku dream psal atu!
i called him for this like twice already. haha

he was so sweet, i stop crying and start talking! we were like giggling and stuff.
so then i fell asleep lgi but the i heard the beeping sound. he hung up. the last words were the whispering of "ILOVEYOUFOREVER" and the cutest "MUAHSS" i ever heard in the world. in that moment , the precious moment i started to dream lgi!

There was like ada erika, nick, my boyfiee(Jiman), haziq(my crush), Nazeem(part-time brother kuu) fendi(part time brother ku).
it was in schooll me, erika and nick jln2 together. kmi pkai baju bebassss hahaha...then ada c nazeem. c nazeem and nick do the handshake thingy! haa. me and erika, menyelurukn pulangg! hHAAA. c jiman dtg, he said hii..i said hii and he winked at me
smilesmile....blushblush...ohh meee gad!
then ada c fendi...ia trus pngil aku cane!
"JAS" i turned around and ckp " apa?!" screaming! haaa
then i blinked ilang tia urg nyaa
haa weirdd!

then nazeem and i hugged and talkk! hahhaaa missed him!
then ada c hazeeq. he accidentally touch my hand... so cute...not falling for him g ovaa!

then it's entahh...RANDOM DREAM tuu
bahbah..aku kn mkn nee...but maNdi loo... haha.l.
haha kidds


Thursday, January 14, 2010

ahhh! bnjir!!!

Today!! like the worst! mahnn...banjir but siuk...first2 kmi balik awal. i started to worrie but then aku balik with myy kazenss. haa so fun kmi jln kaki in the water.. eww.. it's dirty bahhh the guys gali pulg!! haha. then to y home.. siuk..but still ngaliih! no update bout school last days kause aku busy and no time lorr!

Monday, January 11, 2010

too tireed of weddings

Hey ahaha tired ku plg bahhh!!!! mann, bnyk wedding...d rizqun lah, d mulaut lahh d mna lagi? JUPITER??

hahah stilll i had fun, i've friends, familiess and most shocking a cgu!
AHHHH aku tak takut... hahaha.... bdw, today alot tiring but still fuun...ada menyanyi
and stuff like thatt...and then talking with new frienddss...
so cute friends..little oness...hehe no picss..hahah..nanti!!so i gtg bye..and off to bed...sweet dreams!!

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Late update: Finally!(yesterday's update)

Finally!!! Erika and Nick met hahah for 3 seconds i guess...
i completely tired of them!!! haha not really
..ehh guys sowe ahh late bnr updation kuu.
..ahaha. so what happened yesterday??...
ahh actually aku planning dh wih bf ku untuk pingang tgn bah but then inda jadi and
bdw yesterday atu was his perlawan bula thingy... Guys stuff!!
ahaha, i've been waiting for him bah but then nda2 jua.
..huhu miss him alot. now aku nda dpt kai tpun ku cause so bnyk bill kan d byr.
..FYI, my mobile is PRIMA keeyy.

Mahn... yesterday night i was crying sick... really searching for happiness but i couldnt find it.. I cried bnyk2 but don't know why.

oh yeah at school, i also met Zieemah's adik ipar...she was like tall?haha..but nice in some way..:) very nice in a way...
i was sitting beside and all my friends were saying that Zieemah is the girlfriend of his brother.(that's true) haha, but ziemah point aku... Aku like *gila kau kahh??? lain pikirannya nanti bahh* ahaha then start laffing and then came back to the pointing but then aku jln to erika... bythewayy
how erika met nick...started like this:

c Nick actually nda dpt jumpa ia after ia balik... so he escape dri classnyaa

man. so i tell him " nick, mau jumpa erika?" he said " hell ya" nda diihh.. ia ckp awu, so i tried to convince c erika to meet NICK but still she doesn't want to cause shes too malu bahh...
so i bwa c nick ke erika but bnyk guru we were very afraid...really afraid. tpi then durg pun bejumpa but still c erika malu bah! man npa erika!!!
haha. so tym ptg ituu we were not lonely or sad but at the end of the day....aku nangis...dunno why,,,:'[...gagaga...over byee

Friday, January 8, 2010


"It could be a sweet dream on a beautiful nightmare, somebody pinch me"
Hey I just woke up from a beautiful nightmare.. wanna know what i dreamed about?

Well, it was in menglait which every boy i like got closer to me. huh i boy lagi close...
so it was like aku jalan2 with my fwen Zal and each boy came up and said hi and gave me a present...*ooh yeah it's my bday....NOT* hahaha, maybe as a fren-a-versarry.
and my boy jln2 with me jua.. i love him. he keep telling me how grateful he is to have a girl like me..
I blushblush balik2...malu jua tuu...we hold hands....really cute.
Then few minutes after c Nazeem dtg.. yeahh..we hugged.. we missed eachother. really much!
In reallife aku rindu ia msih. huhu...then a few boys yg aku suka pun dtg and hugged me...
After that aku jln ke study area where i saww a poster that tonite ada prom bah.. so i was like too excited and start panic. i woke up.
but then aku tdur balik...hahaha.
Sambung lagi dream atu. first, aku in a black dress.
my bestfie Afiqah in red and Aziemah in blue. Erika in green. Lwa green nya..dark green tuu..
and my friend zal in purple. Every boy was wearing tux and stuff.. handsome smua. ahaha
Then the boys from my village ada. C khairil, zat and Shamsul. and Zul juaa... huhu cute durang ihh...I hugged durang jua and then Zat leads me...we were like arm in arm...he hold my hand.
.i love tuu. Khairil is on my other arm...
then ada c Fuad. huhu i miss him muchhess... really much..I hugged him kuat2 i really miss him. then after that bought the tears came. I was like crying bnr2 when i hugged fuad.
Then Nazeem and my boy menunggu d blakang nya... I hugged them both trus! and then the girls i hugged them..
.then my gayfriends clapped their hands together. I love them I love latif , harry and najeeb. My gayfriends!!! i hugged them jua...

What a beautiful dream which become a nightmare. rupa2nya it was not a's a farewell party for me. That's why it brought the tears.
I wake up trus and didn't want to sleep lgi
...but that dream was the most relaxing, beautiful epicly random dream that i love sooo. and it's time to update. hahaha....thanks for reading ahh...bye

tired pulg

huhu, aku tired..tired pulg...that's what they tell me if im tired..apakn kmu ane tape recorder kahh..gtau lahh if kmu atu tape recorder haha...MIss Erika!!! [*-*]

uh the days

HAHA, na funny today! but love this day cause my friend si ACHID bought be a drink. mahn he was so cute and tall sweet and very kind...ia is my friend d fb bah, yesterday was his ACHIDku happy bday ahhh
.... hahaha but before that, me and erika was like, 'fighting' tpi not real bah! haha...i just mau durg jln2 but durg malu...ahh malu2 kucing lahh!
haha erika and brenjan next time jgn malu lgi..and bdw erika...c nicknunggukau tuuu! hahaha and today aku and my fwen Ziiemahh kna suruh pnggil2 urg and stuffss..
and kna suruh bejln ntk cari cgu and some infoo.
.. ahahaaa. so when we pngil urg(7b) they we're like yr 8 dah, but bdn damit2 hahaha....and cra durg ckp...mann, belwn jua ehh
capiee, capiee just the second day trus be gang waa..and like we're on the block of yr 7
.. some of them like whispers lgi, "durg ane yr 8 atau yr 7", "menahan kali durg ane" oii yg be whispers2 ahhh jgn heart2heart...pace2face bahh..
PENGECUT sngt ehhh..hahaha bdw guyss... uii aku ane kna suruh pnggil urg ja not muchh more...hahaa all today the night came

the night preety was interesting.i've meet my kazen slash kwn ku in menglait...we're suppose to be menyanyi now but i mlss...hahah
i talked bunch of stuff with my kazen/kwn WAFEYY. he's a good listener and
he became my bestiee

hahaha...and his sister ckp, i'm his closet female friend, and i said "im grateful to have a friend like wape~!" we laff lgii... ahahaha

ehh remember what i said bout nick kaa?? nick now mkin close to scared pulg
cause this gal AMAL really hates me to being so close with the guys she likes. mannn..c nick dkt dgn aku...i like plg but i hate if amal hates scared sngt. and plus aku mcm bekelaiee with ziiemah tdi..just because of some wasn't mean or all it's just a sentence of goodness to make it look funny. ahaha..i laff bsr2 but she kept quiet. me too lah...we have the silent treatment about 2 min and back to bffs. syg c zie.. and bdw WAFI(9f) bdayy..happy bday wape!!!! hahaha. and today, atu ja dulu..liat lahh apa ada esukk...:) no picture now time bahh byee

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

not sleeping*yawns*

i yawn fakely everytime..hahaha
...aku bored sngt..uii kmu2 yg dh bca blog ku yg terbaru ini please, please, please jgn d benci..hahaha...banci tia ehh..the first and second update alum ada pics2 ahh cause this is using my brotha's laptop...lappy ku full pictures tuu but soo bad ia rusakk -_-"
hoho...apaan??? boredd sngt...bored...nda ku ngantuk g.tduri lah aku ane..esuk aku skulh...tlg rehatkn minda dan bdn ku ini(ckp dgn spa aklu ane knn) ehh anybody yg pndai2 mengubah background bgi tau bah. jgn nda..i hate the dotts one..bored meliat ane sja.
..ngantuk ku krg
.. haah esuk g kulh..tak sbr ntk jumpa kwn2 ku...and c achid! ahahaaa..and mlmnya jamming wuuhuuu!!!
tak sabar!!!!too excited bah neeee...kes jobless jua ehh now aku off! not to the television..haha!! enjoyss!(jobless)

Welcome 2010!(7th graders invade menglait)

hii, this is my first blog, very first update. intro myself dulu!!
Jasmine, jazzy or jas.pilih sja, a menglait-ians, 8th grade. 8 aspirasi!
actually blog ani i wrote days after the new year bh. this storyy actually about the first day of the 7th graders in menglait. lemme tell you the 3 things i hate about them.
1)belagak sngt!
bnr, the truth ituu, durg like perasaan yg durg atu special cause they're in yr 7! haha tane bah yr 8 ahh. mun kn belgk bnr bek th face2face. jgn heart2heart. ngumpat ja d hati.hahaha...pengecut. but yg the best is. ERIKA is there!! haha, i miss her alot bah. i suppose jumpa ia but i can't cause of kmi belajar! gadd, few days after holidays...straight to books..huhu~ then tane rehat aswell the 7th graders. haha i went looking for erika, brenjan. but first2 aku jumpa fizul..huh! after that c faizah.. aha! "mna erika?" i tnya at her. ia ckp, still byr the yuran. wow a grown up friend.haha! love you erika! then jumpa c brenjan...'brenjan!' aku shout bah...during the search atu, like smua yr 7 meliat like, "knpa ia d sni...she in yr 8 kn?" woii, knpaknn??kulh ku, diri ku...pikir lah sendiri.. hmmpftt.
then kmi rehat. erika is grateful to get out from the dewan cause it's was damn hot in the dewan haha.. i laff sngt! wah2 i miss them. then kmi jln...tejumpa c apiss...wooo, erika tpuk2 blkng ku... then c waie g. and he was like hugging a tree...nahh more like a guy. haha GAY! haha i laff lgi...then durg kna suruh blik ke dewan. mahnn, dlm klass atu aku keboringan and too worried bah. alaalal aku worried. haha.. atu lu sja...first update bru! time g bahbye!