Sunday, March 13, 2011

good morning texts. :')

this is from derek. he's my ex k? bytheway, he calls me "baby" when we're together. i miss this!.



heylo! i miss you bloggy. batah dah i tak post apaapa. sorry for the lack of updates guys. aku jarang on because of test. and been working. well, you can say that and i'm lazy for a sec.

so i will not, type anything setupid. so lastweek, kami start our test and daaaamn, i failed my addmaths, sabar. then the others, i hope okaay. :D  i met my bestfriends, i miss erika. i miss meezul, i miss amni, i miss ziqah, i miss oli! and i miss derek. frankie? yeah, i miss him too. but macam kan everyday bekelaie ah. pfft. 

so, now? to be honest. AKU BEBANAR RINDU OLI! :'( mana kau babe? batah inda jumpa. 

bah, that's all for now. have you guys heard SelenaG's new song, Who Says? lawa kaliah. awalawal macam lagu teenage dream. but it's her original.

peace out! 


i'm no beauty queen, i'm just beautiful me.


goodmorning. i miss you