Friday, July 9, 2010

baby, let me love you down mahn!

hey people :DDDD so happy cause zul fikri accept my friendship request. dude i was like " you, you, you. don't you know? i miss you" then he said " and you, i miss you to :)" he sent a smile. he's my bestfriend bah. well, long lost bestfwen GHEE!

oh and M'N ke KK. i think he'll buy the rayban glasses lagi. gee. i miss you chayank! :b oh andand. i've been sick cause been posse*** secretive bah! :( forget it lah. hehe. nadaaaaa~~~~",

oh andand. aku boring time ani, so let me me-muklen :b aku chayankz engkauszs

afaan! haha adang~

i met beh tadi. he was tiny.. i mean pendek. he admitted juga. i said cemani wah " beh, pendek jua u" then ia cakap "awu, beh pendek. hehe. tapi cute kan?" then aku jawab "yeah sure. tekarang" then tawatawa. oh people. i'm obsessed si MGM benar deh. MysteryGuitarMan!
HAHA. he's awesome bah c: brrr... coca cola. i drank it tadi then sugarrush tarus. hehe.

Mahn. iloveyou. apaan? oh be-blank. wanna know my nickname for friends? i'll tell you. lihat bawah:

erikagarcia : garAciagween
aziemah: zimMyMah
syadee: syadeeMelodiee
M'N: babymiyul :D
baby: alaiman :))
zulfikri: zul-f
nsea: dorss
Aiman: aimaHn
Bani: Barneey
zalrabiatul: zal'R
faiz mfj: F'Juneey
waiezakwan: waey zaq1
hanif: nipp
nidzam: NeedZaam
abizar: bizzare
hisyam: syaams
iqbal: Jasni
Amir S. Pht: adikmir
amni: amneey
ariffakrullah: aweep
arifbillah: awrep
syazwan: syazzywan
zafirah: zafsss
syafiqah: shappal
halim: nutt

and more

off-ing akhu!
