Tuesday, September 28, 2010

baby, i like it!

heeeeeeeeeey partypeople. yeah, i remembered my password. woooohooooo! :DDDD

so hai guys, been offing these days. i know deh. hehe. okaykay. now it's 28th, happy teachers day doooong!


so guys, been pretty happy but sad at the same time. but guess what?! i'm happier!

so my brother MARRIED
got the title INLAW!
KAKA MEESCHAA lives with us!
and I"M 100% HAPPY
i miss baby! :D

bye people, enjoy!


Saturday, September 25, 2010

What Hurts The Most :(

been broken hearted by friends. ejopy :')

Sunday, September 12, 2010

never underestimate me!

hewwo, aku sasak vell valenza.wanted facebook! ambil ia ah, ambil tia pelacur ah. ambil! murah tu. seminggu seringgit.

eh ia ah, rasa aku innocent. oi, aku aku berani ah, jangan kau salah anggap kan kediaku ani!

 .|. d-.-b .|. 

uii, VELL VALENZA! jangan kau perasaan kan aku ani takut kan kediakau! alum apa kau ah, nada ku takut. alum lagi gagar dunia ah. bari sasak kau ani. mantang saja cakap badwords persaan genji. LANJI KAU AH! fuck you! what a bitch!

kenapa kah tuhan adakan kau disini ani. mun kau ani damit masih jangan cematu, perasaan cute and berani tapi alum papa kau ah. lainkali, ke muka wah becakap ani be text. baik nasib aku ani sabar mun inda. abis ku maki kau dapan urang!

uii, adang eh!

bahbah, atu saja kay. bye! 


Thursday, September 9, 2010

raya is here!

happy raya guys, maafkan aku zahir and batin and mudahmudahan kamu banyak ampau. ngeks! haha

i can't wait. i miss my fatinny alot! haha raya ni yo, raya!
mari bemaafan. and guys. guess what. baby messaged me the raya greeting. aww so sweet,. but i greeted him first. haha i win!

oh bah, guys.. aku off baking cakes for tomorrow. but

what a raya disaster, aku nada baju raya. :'( haha
it's okay. i have tons of old raya clothes.

bah enjoy your raya, and happy always.

bye guys, oh i'll be deactivated for a long time now. enjoy your life people! 

bye and as always


me, myself and time

hewwo people. i woke up early today. hehe 7:34 am. cause sayang miscalled me.


haha, actually, i wanted to wake him up tapi looks like he won! haha. congratulations sayang.


so today, no plans. thank god. aku mau rehat. aku mau sama sayang bebanar. 

bah off aight? bye people


Wednesday, September 8, 2010

baby, don't leave me

i love the simple things you do because that makes me love you more.

when the world leave us alone.



wouldn't change a thing.

heylo lovers, it's me again. hehe

guys, aku boring. now i'm chatting with sayang! aww. i miss him berabisly!

haha. kaykay

ani namanya si sayang = ANZ
ani adik si sayang -----= ANZ

i know right. haha, Amirul Nabil and Amal Nabilah

my bestfriend's name Nabilah! hehe.

kay, i'm going. bye guys


i want it all

heey guys. i'm down to the memory lane. haha. aku dangar lagulagu lama on my playlist in my iPod.

 dude, i miss this stuff. i used to sing the lyrics out in my room and then pretend that i'm a rockstar and having a huge concert. haha -- good times

so hey. i think there is something to blog

dimalam banjir wah. haha. i was asleep then i heard this loud crash of thunder then i woke up immediately. i was so afraid. mati eh! kajut hati ku.then i peek outside, and guess what. still raining and flood!

 i was about to call baby but my phone's dead. i mean the batteries dead. iatah inda jadi. then bezikir tia ku. alim eh. haha! 

haha. atu saja so far.

today, sayang ku nada dapat online. :'( cause nada wireless. so it's okay lah. aku inboxing with him. aww i love him so much!

bah, i'm off dulu. 

bye guys.


i eat cheese, only on pizza please

heylo people, happy wednesday. it's 12.40 PM in brunei! hehe. i just reply baby's message.

me replying his message 

ia baru bangun. eshesh. hehe. i miss you baby  :')

so, tadi aku jalan to pick up my baju raya. haha i know inda batah lagi kan raya ni. HEHE!

DUDE, i still remember first day of fasting. boooh
and and, i still remember first day of school this year.

time flies.

okay, aku off now. nothing to blog. so. bye people


Tuesday, September 7, 2010

you can drive me insane but i still love you.

hello guys, so i tried to blog something but all i can think about is rindu-ing my sayang


 i miss him!

iloveyou sayang

bye people.

you're my favorite song.

Words don't come easy without a melody
I'm always thinking
In terms of do-re-me
I should be hiking, swimming, laughing with you
Instead I'm all of tune

But you don't know
You lift me off the ground
You're inspiration, You helped me find myself
Just like a baseline, a half-time
you hold down the groove
that's why I'm counting on you

And if I heard you on the radio
I'd never wanna change a single note
It's what I'm trying to say all along
You're my favorite song

I'm in a session writing tracks
You've got another class to teach
and then my rehearsal with the band
You're always wants one step out the reach
I'm looking for some harmony
With you it comes so naturally
You helped me find the righ key

And when I hear you on the radio
I'd never wanna change a single note
It's what I tried to say all along
You're my favorite song, my favorite song

And when I hear you on the radio
I'd never wanna change a single note
It's what I tried to say all along
You're my favorite song, you're my favorite song.

we're venus and mars

hey people. i love monday. eh sejak bila. since yesterday cause i'm with sayang kelmarin. bedatingsaja keraja ah.

we went to the movies together. we made keychains together. i had his name, and he has mine. iloveyou sayang.

we went to uni and balikbalik hug. i miss him already :'(

bah aku off but check out this picture!



Monday, September 6, 2010

so much for my happy ending.

heywo, guys. yes, aku jalan but with my sister and i'll tell you, i DON'T get along with her.

hope everything's gonna be okay, besides there's hisyam and zal.

yes, ada durang. i'll be going on one afternoon. baby's bayarkan my ticket dulu.
thankyou sayang

bahbah, aku off aight.

bye guys.


Sunday, September 5, 2010

second thoughts

heywoo. guys, kajarkajar ku. i know

pasal. my dad ada second thought about sungkai tomorrow. doakan tah aku dapat



i heard my tears sing with me.

heylo people, guess what?

my family made up dah. thankyou god. okay dah ni.

so now, i don't know what to update. so i really can't wait for monday! :DDD

with my sayang, mana my sayang ani?

aku rindu ia berabisly. inda online?


off ku. bye guys.


Saturday, September 4, 2010

i like the way it hurts :'(

hey guys, aku sad mood now. really.

:( sayang inda online and aku rindu ia.

:( dad fought with my mum so badly

:( mum won't talk to dad

:( dad inda sungkai sama kami

:( dad inda balikbalik dari sungkai.

:( aku and kaka bekelaie and yet scared for this.

hope everything's gonna be fine. i know life is a bummer.


sweet caroline

hey people. awu tau ku baru ani aku post but. let's see

i updated my blog and i hope you guys like it. if inda. tell me. i need a little change jua. :) especially the linkers. hmm kay?

i'm off-ing. bye lovers.


i can't help myself

hey guys, i been listening to taylor swift's tunes. and i found my old favourite song. for real, i heard this song dulu like 1000 a day.
it's 'hey stephen' lawa kaliah.

haha. moving on!

heey, it's me on the saturday and tadi aku pissed of arah kaka ku tadi. berabisly. ia marah, aku diam saja. then just slammed my door.

i know rude kan? :\ but please, aku marah wah

hey, monday ani kami gadong!
haha, with my sayang jua. i know right. iloveyou.
guys, i have this friend, namanya Hedde. a friend of mine but close friend to zal. durang cakap pakai "you, me"


he can't come, kasian, rindu ia kan si zal wah. kasian sangat. nada transport.


guys, aku boring ni. sayang inda online. hmm. okay. :) i'll wait.

guys, aku off dulu aight? byebye guys.


careless man's careful daughter

Oh oh oh.
Oh oh oh.

You were in college, working part time, waitin' tables,
Left a small town and never looked back.
I was a flight risk with a fear of fallin',
Wondering why we bother with love if it never lasts.
I say "Can you believe it?", as we're lying on a couch,
The moment I could see it, yes, yes, I can see it now.

Do you remember we were sitting there by the water,
You put your arm around me, for the first time.
You made a rebel of a careless man's careful daughter.
You are the best thing, that's ever been mine.

Flash forward and we're taking on the world together.
And there's a drawer of my things at your place.
You learn my secrets and you figure out why I'm guarded,
You say we'll never make my parent's mistakes.
But we got bills to pay, we got nothin' figured out,
When it was hard to take, yes yes, this is what I thought about.

Do you remember we were sitting there by the water,
You put your arm around me, for the first time.
You made a rebel of a careless mans careful daughter.
You are the best thing, that's ever been mine.

Do you remember all the city lights on the water,
You saw me start to believe for the first time.
You made a rebel of your careless man's careful daughter.
You are the best thing thats ever been mine.

Oh oh oh oh.

And I remember that fight 2:30 AM, 'cause everything was slippin' right out of our hands.
I ran out crying and you followed me out into the street.

Braced myself for the goodbye,
'cause that's all I've ever known,
And you took me by surprise,
you said "I'll never leave you alone."

You said, "I remember how we felt sittin' by the water.
And every time I look at you, it's like the first time.
I fell in love with a careless man's careful daughter.
She is the best thing, that's ever been mine."

Hold on, make it last.
Hold on, never turn back.

You made a rebel of a careless man's careful daughter,
You are the best thing, that's ever been mine.
Do you believe it?
We're gonna make it now.
And I can see it,
yeah, yeah

I can see it now.

yes, yes i can see it now :)

i know right, lawa ni. dangar saja.

you are the best thing that's ever been mine :)

hey people, morning saturday here. it's 4th septmber! hehe, esuk ada CAMP ROCK 2 siuk ni. i know, kenapakan? i'm still a kid. duuuh! 6th september, gonna be at gadon from 1 until 7 kali. sungkai with geeeeeeeeeenjay! :)

i inda masuk fb kelmarin cause something error. inda buleh masuk with my mobile. but good thing aku pakai my cousin's mobile to inbox my sayang, i miss him terribly. :'(

guys! raya inda lagi batah. man. inda terasa wah.

oh i just remember yang my sayang can't come on the nineteenth. hmm. :(

kaylah, i try to enjoy myself nanti

anyways, happy holidays readers. thanks for reading me ♥♥♥



Friday, September 3, 2010

i'm a rebellious teen, and i'm loving it!

hey guys, aku sasak kamukamu yang suka nyuruhnyuruh aku buat ani and atu. so understand me and back off!

for example; my abang. i need a life, and i want to live it my way. i can't be there for you all the time as you can't for me. so please, let me go!

i just wish he could read that and understand that well.
but anyways. FOR REAL I HATE TODAY!

aku tadi badmood time tution cause i failed maths again but i'm doing well at school for sure. pasal arah tution is a step foward than school. my school's maths is easier and way fun! daripada arah tution! i hate tution maths for real and i will never ever ever love maths in my life.VOWING!

mr goo, teacher maths yang paling boring. he thinks that he can change my grades up sasak ku bah. i need to slow okay. i'm not a CHMS student or and MS-ians! deserve it!

my pelajaran okay dah kaliah ==' i hate this

bahbah, adang kan merajuk. sesungguhnya aku sedang berpuasa~

anyways, yesterday aku sungkai luar, i saw SYAHMI ZAFRAN! i know. SYAHMI ZAFRAN the GAY. my gayfriend. :b haha. he was wearing PINK. and discovered he is my cousin ----> cousin tiri.ngeks!

i enjoy life so far puasa ani. cause i got time with my sayang for a while. it's good.
i think his mum HATES me! :\

bah aku off. kan tidur --- thanks for dropping by



Thursday, September 2, 2010

i write your name on my palm and you wrote mine in yours

hey, aku inda tau ah. i know no updates! ==' sorry guys.

now just nothing happening. there's baby's birthday pulang but i don't feel that he's happy about it.

i hate BANI tah banar! pencari kelaie saja wah!

bari sasak!

bah eh, aku off. bye


hey superman, i love you!

hey hey, it's your day
hey hey, it's your birthday
so i'm gonna sing it
make your wish come true.

come on, come on, don't be sad now
come on, come on. take a step out
it's gonna be you with me,
taking a chance and we'll see
the brighter side of your world
it's you and me

i know i suck at lyrics

wanna make a song for baby. it's his birthday wah and i can't stand it. he's in a badmood. seriously, he's having a problem. i don't know pulang but he does.

so baby, ani birthday u, jangan sad wah. me sad jua ni. berbanar me sad ni.

i know, no schooling rules. it's the last day of school this term. gonna spend it with full of fun. if i can. baby's in the a badmood kan. iatah liat lah. :(

bahbah, i'm off ni
