Mahnn, nda branti2nya ujan anee..haaa bordismm
so what's up?? im total blank nehhh. hahaaa...since im new here, im gonna ask cna kn link arh blog yg lenn.. bdw what am i doing typing and dngr lgi whatcha say by jason derulo
cantik lgunyaaa bahh. hahaha..BLANK out nehh ok2 aku ceta sikit2 sjaa
Im blogging cause of erika and wanna show off my pics..sbnrnyaaa haaa
but then let's blog! hahaha..i just main my guitar a song of miley cyrus - the climb. haaa hujannn trus...but not labat bahh...ahhhaa so my version of the climb is a little bad..huhu. i was chatting with erika in fb. with my afeeqahh...
afeeqs and me were talking about munakahat...cause she's gonna married this ahad..*kidding x* ahhaa so i'll make the invitation bahhh..haaa
then c wadi*future husband c afeeqs* curri like our wall...haaaa..penyibuk! haaa.
way before, last tdi
kn ada ku ckp aku kn mndi??actually aku liat tv and then bru mndii.. haaa kul 12:13 pm bru mndii haah.
then bru mamam...nyama nasi was nasi lemak ayam masak merah=1 dollar in leApple bali...nyaman sygg
haa..then aku dance's a routine mann...abis mkn trus dance..i was dancing to a song name DANCING SHOES by AJ from KOREA...lwa lgunya,,,,music owns my life..then nari lgi
lagu PCD=WhenIGrowUp. haaa
then lgi lgu
METROSTATION=SHAKE IT..but i stopped cause mau nyanyi
Aku nyanyi lgu Starstrukk by katy parry(perry) ft 3OH!3
and lgu 21st Century Breakdown by GreenDay
then lagu paramore
haaa lwaa lagu JASON DERULO=WHATCHA SAY sygg... haaa
bahbah enough...bubyee
Friday, January 15, 2010
hujann lgii~
written truly by Jay Januari' at 3:21 PM 0 comments
"I love you like you love me, like something pure and holy, Like something that could never be replace!"
That lines were inside my head from semalam!! gadd. morning guyss..just woke up. Tired much. baru bgun trus d suruh mandii. I said " krg bahhhh!" hahha then my amah ckp" Jasmine, mknanmu tu! sejuk krg atau d mkn krg uleh kaka mu!" then i said " aku mndii lu bru ku mkn!" then
aku blog2 sjaa! haha today not much but i dreamt lahh that my boyfiee dumped me because of me. he said, me namau u selalu sma kwn2 u yg laki2. me nda suka, bek tah me putus sma u. then aku ckp, mna ada me selalu sma lelaki. me selalu sygkn u sja. sma lelaki lain nda. please jgn tinggalkn me. mesti u lupa janji tane ne! yath u putuskn... nda papa u!
The, he lefted with the 3 words "ILOVEYOU" then i cried in my sleep and i woke up cause too afraid of that will hapeen.
it was like 2:18 AM!
i called him bah... wait for ringss and then he answer with a yawning voice
i said " me namau putus sma u, me sygkn u berabis. syg bnr2. jgn putuskn me. Iloveyou syg!"
he said" syg, u tau me nda kn tinggalkn, me syg u jua. ane aher dh bek th tdur. me loveu bnr jua. me nda tinggalkn u ne. Knpa? u mimpi buruk ka?"
aku diam2 sjaa...
He said " syg, jgn th menangis g. mesti mimpi tane putus lgi kn? bahbah, me sma u sjaa.. me tunggu u tdur, bru th me tutup telepun, iloveyousygku"
and yes i have those dreams several times!
i cerita with him at school last year!
he was so sweet to calm me down bah.
this was like the 5th time aku dream psal atu!
i called him for this like twice already. haha
he was so sweet, i stop crying and start talking! we were like giggling and stuff.
so then i fell asleep lgi but the i heard the beeping sound. he hung up. the last words were the whispering of "ILOVEYOUFOREVER" and the cutest "MUAHSS" i ever heard in the world. in that moment , the precious moment i started to dream lgi!
There was like ada erika, nick, my boyfiee(Jiman), haziq(my crush), Nazeem(part-time brother kuu) fendi(part time brother ku).
it was in schooll me, erika and nick jln2 together. kmi pkai baju bebassss hahaha...then ada c nazeem. c nazeem and nick do the handshake thingy! haa. me and erika, menyelurukn pulangg! hHAAA. c jiman dtg, he said hii..i said hii and he winked at me
smilesmile....blushblush...ohh meee gad!
then ada c fendi...ia trus pngil aku cane!
"JAS" i turned around and ckp " apa?!" screaming! haaa
then i blinked ilang tia urg nyaa
haa weirdd!
then nazeem and i hugged and talkk! hahhaaa missed him!
then ada c hazeeq. he accidentally touch my hand... so cute...not falling for him g ovaa!
then it's entahh...RANDOM DREAM tuu
bahbah..aku kn mkn nee...but maNdi loo... haha.l.
haha kidds
written truly by Jay Januari' at 11:40 AM 0 comments