heylo. sowe batah nada updates. makin tight my time.
may i tell you what happened?
if yes, continue reading.
mun inda. close the window =='
putus with baby, cried alot.
baby bekelaie with M'N. stressing my time.
baby minta goback, said i'll think about it.
time's wasting, go khatam-ing
met old enemies, said hi to friends
using DSLR to captured pictures
energy day passed by, had fun with ajrul
dated with M'N in study area
being fake-friends with sii bitch
gotten closer with ex-s, don't know why
test coming, no studying
tested alkali for practice particle
edited photos before raya
almost fully paid my puasa qhada
missed syadee all the time
been friends with zac petterilli-nazeem
pissed off by my family
marah dengan adik for being so rude
downloaded songs on mobile
chatted with brad as friends
friends-ing with FADHILLAH
jarang layan erika sudah :') missed her
trusting zafirah all over again
loving kim beom again
hatin the bitch all the time :b
bekelaie dengan for no reason and made up a couple minutes later.
talking with ainn shahida lately
thanking fuad for lanja-ing me
discovering zulfikri's house
screamed at sister cause marah
checking arah doctor for blood thingy.
singing out loud time boring!
making a long-missed list in blog.

done all.
bye guys.