yesterday time tution. nurul is so happy. and i just don't know why. then then, kami cerita lah. we were talking about scientists and hairs then boys. then movies. (Y)(Y) she's so fun. then kami banyak ketawa. like HA times 10 :D then tution malam, time geography. there's sheikh and me. as usual kami having an agruement. then he comment me. he said "why in the world you have my phone number?" but actually, he has my number but aku nada. and i said. " ui, aku nada numbermu ah!" then ia cakap my number out loud. then aku pissed off! i hate him!!
then somebody miscall aku. aku like, siapakan ne? then i message the unknown. then mobile si sheikh bebunyi. then ia cakap. "nah, kau bemessage sama aku kenapa?" i thought urang lain. then rupanya ia miscalled aku. grr! then kami ceritacerita about possessed people. then talking about ghosts and some stuffs. takut kami. then talking about families. sheikh wants to have a baby sister. matul and me wants baby brother! really. baby brothers are cute kan? hehe. :D ♥
then time science. nurul lagi yeahh!♥ i realized that she had a haircut. lawa kaliah! :DDDD then matul ceritacerita about couples. :)) then banyak ketawa. sampai ke class. me and nuha talking about our friends. how amazing they were and then talked about M'N. :) i blushblush.
oh and time science kami cerita masih. then basarbasar ketawa. the learnt about STD. takut kami tarus then cerita about the cruelness of the japanese. dude... menangis kami eh! HAHA bye. went to facebook ♥♥♥♥
Gotta go. bye people. :)