i really had a good day w him actually. in the morning, we talked about our problems and he listens. he put his arm around me. :) good guy. then, before cca, he forced me to go w him. i refused. I HAVE DRAMA. :P then, during the break, he kept trying to hug me, and hug me and hug me. sakli. hahaha. then he fell down arah floor. we kept holding hands. then tengahhari...we got a date. :P it was raining lagi, we ran to the restaurant across the sch. :) he kept trying to hold my hand. hahah. then sudah direstaurant. we share food and drink. :)) he was so nice to lanja me. odaaaaah! :P thenthen, he told me about his relationships lah. how he broke u w his gf. (pasal kediaku. D: ) then he told me how he propose to girls. he held my hand and said "Jasmine, i like you. from the very start. when i first saw you. and when you smile, it melts me inside. i love it." i was falling but then realized. we're just friends and yeaaaah. hahaha. aku okay lah. he kept mentioning that i bite my lips alot. heh. then i told him a fact that says "lipbiters are usually the best kissers." :P he wants proof. adakah. hahaha. theeeeen. goin back to sch...he held me so tight. then let me go. then ke class, he kept holding my hand jua. then i gave him a hug. :) i'm nice. :P then in class, ada wewen. makan masih. then he finished, me and him. kept talking and talking then. sudah the break's over. it's time for bio. he took my drink and keep it away from me. i needed it. (it was Mountain Dew, DUH) then, he kept it away and grabbed me by the waist and hold me tight. he wants me to sit on his lap. i refused. ia paksa lah. ngokkk! i was sitting on his lap and he was holding me tight, so tight and he don't want to let go. he even said "Don't Let Go!" macam apaa. then he did eventually. and i gave him a last hug. sudah kan ku lapas, he won't let go. then he did. so we walk together to bio class but he ain't joining..he kept touching my hands and whatnot. he's so sweet really. and annoying! hahaha. ilovehim. as a friend. no more than that. i hope i won't fall for him.