Wednesday, May 11, 2011

about her

for someone;

while you're sleeping, this girl named jasmine is really deep frustration. you see, jasmine is a 9a student from Menglait Secondary. she's a good girl, i think. she likes you. like a lot. but i think you would know because it's obvious. she loves you internally! <3 she's afraid of losing people because she lost banyak dah. she suffered bullying since she's in primary 5 until year 8. she is still recovering her weakness. she was bullied because she really likes to hang out with guys and her female friends got a problem with that. to be honest, jasmine's not a tomboy. she just loves hanging out with guys because they're different than the girls. she hangs out with her brother in her home. and she grown with her eldest brother watching out for her. she trust boys more than girls. her very first female-bestfriend is afiqah. she called her syadee. they were so close. but afiqah moved away. Aziemah replaced syadee bur syadee will always be in jasmine's heart. Aziemah's a good friend for her because she understands. her biggest fear, losing you and aziemah. so becareful