Saturday, January 21, 2012


Never kill yourself. Right now. You listen to me, and you listen good. You kill yourself today, you will never know what happens tomorrow. you know why? there will be no tomorrow. You will be gone. Gone. No tomorrow. No day after tomorrow. No nothing. Nothingness. you are so so lucky to be on this planet, for an average of 90 years. A whole 90 years. And you want to leave it now? Soon? No. Don't. What if you killed yourself, then the boy/girl you like admitted there love for you. What if the next day, you found you had the winning lotto ticket? What if you got everything you ever ever wanted tomorrow? But no. You wouldnt be here. You would not be here. You never know whats going to happen next, so take each day as it comes and don't take one second for granted. Somebody loves you. Make tomorrow come, every single day you can.