Sunday, January 24, 2010

lost update line~

heyy guys, sorry for no updations. im too broken now a new life came to me... and it's called 'the single life' huhu! hurts

btw, how are you guy feeling?? my friend c ALIP im asking you guys juaa
*kes jobless
btw, i've been better and still single....4months sygggg
hahaha akeyh3 abis dahhh today the morning part, aku jln2 with my sibs and daddy.
we went to restaurant my nini and ke guitar be tukar the strings..heheee
lawa2, then aku dngr2 lgu BODY LANGUAGE by JESSE McCARTNEY
haha chantek2 my fav part; mau tauu??
it's ;
Parlez vous francais?
Come and move in my way
Hey, little chica from Guadeloupe
That thing you got behind you is amazing

Now, I don't speak Spanish, Japanese or French
But the way that body's talkin' definitely makes sense
It's her, her body, her body, her body language

i like last nite my friend azemah dari Saidina Husiien, she tanya aku, if what song am i listening? i answer jesse Mac's body language.. ia tnya lagii, lawa kah?? repeating*
i said totally lawa! haha so ia download...
back to story so I was listening to that song when my dad cabar my adik c Apish to drive imean he was like 10? huhu..he drive bisai g tu nice and easy but arah steering wheel sja...nda lain...hahah
i totally freak out bnr2..aku scared bahh!
then ke kadai aku bali ice-cream yg strawbewyy nyaman2. then; the lagu tukar too
ignorance...aku nyanyi mcm urg gila. gila brabisss bahhh/// haha untuk uncle kaling atu nda mind mun ia arrested nehh
hahaha kidds* bah out ku nehh...bubyee!! baii!