hey guys, malam. (: i just online in KK. gosh the trip is so tiring after sampai ke hotel [Le Meridien] lawaaa! bejalan to makan. i ate chicken rice with my family, nyaman eh. I'm hungry for more babe! hehe kanyang pulang. then kana suruh shopping. i bought two plaid skinnies (: i like tu.and two skirts one red plaid another is all black. :)))) hmm, i miss my man and M'N and erika too. Erika, you're reading this? if you are, i miss you damnly much! and i love you erika!
nanti aku upload the gambargambar from KK that is because aku forgot to bring my USB upload-er thingy! :D sowee! i miss brunei though cause in brunei dapat online MSN. i miss MSN already :'/ and i miss calling jiman at night and i cannot believe i'm saying this but i do miss my tution and tution friends. and what i hate in KK the room is damit and not enough bed to sleep :'/ gonna sleep on the lantai. and and my sister wah, bari banci cause of bossing around. you;'re not the boss hunnie *winkwink BYE OFF KAN MANDI byebye lovers
iloveeeyouuu bye!
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