Tuesday, June 15, 2010

that should be me, apart of your life (:

like my title? it's erika's. i miss you erika!!! :'( haha!

heylo people, it's me again. i'm ba-blank so let me tell you about the trip so far.

well, it's the second day and i'm still hoping to go home but let say no chance baby! i miss dancing so much. i wanna dance. let me dance. whoaokay. nanti tah. okay, KK so far okay, no rain, no sunshine and it's just right. aku swam today with this beautiful bathing suit. daddy bought it. i love!! lawa. it's pink singlet and dark blue shorts with cute patterns. dad bali kan twilight new moon saga dvd i cried! thank you dad! aishiteru (((: during the movie, i cried sal eddy tinggalkan bella :'( oh, i haven't watch the whole movie yet but i guarantee siuk ne.
oh and, i havent tell you about the bilik. lawa berabis! we had this ocean view thing. gorgeously lawa (((: i wanna stay pulang but i miss brunei too much! :D Brunei, i love youh! i miss my baby! Jiman? i miss you. M'N? I miss you too wah! :DD erika, i miss you more!

oh and, i swam in the whirlpool pool thingy. siuk walau damit oh and i swam in the big pool. takut ku tenggelam pulang but i can reach it dah :D i wanna listen DADDY'S HOME - USHER but i'm currently listening to D'masiv. gorgeous! aww, i miss aziemah! :D imissyouu! okay i'm better off gotta go shopping lagi :))) ba ba ba bye! iloveyouguysss