Wednesday, June 16, 2010

jangan pandang belakang congkak?

heylo disco babe!

hmm, hai it's me lagi! (((: i miss you erika! is still the second day and maybe tommorow aku balik. yeah can't wait! haha. home here i come :)
oh today, i bought congkak! i love too. my dad think that my family deserves a little traditional things. i love congkak kaliah oh and, my dad said that i should buy 'the glasses that the kids wear today, yang transparent ah' and i was macam, banr deyh? and it's true. dad bali-kan the original ray ban. red shades and black transparents. i love you daddy. i'm listening to old tunes of malaysia tadi and i slept like 48 minutes? haha! and we had a super long trip from KK to sabah. and bought a shirt and shoes of my dreams. yeah i bought some kind of converse but it's doss! i only bought satu but who cares, as long ada syukur tah! haha! i chat-ed with erika tadi. i miss her so much. erika, ku rindu kau babi :b i miss speaking english with you in the car in front of my maid and driver! :DDD oh i miss you whining too :b nada deh!

JADEN SMITH is SUPER HOT TO THE TOP! haha i like jaden smith, handsome kaliah! haha! no mistake for loving a star! iloveyoujaden! haha. oh and and today i ate pizza hut for dinner. thanks dad and bought toys with leggings and y'know ada shoes yang aku suka ani. it's chain-able? and i want it so bad but no size for so some other time,jas. other time :b

and bad news for today, rupanya my skinnies i mean white plaid one nada ;'( i really thought ada wah. but nada. :(((( it's okay though gonna buy it tomorrow. so now ba-blank! oh i ate nasi biasa tadi and drank piasau (((: mum said it's good for me so i drank it and i spit it out. i dislike! currently listening to imissyou-mileycyrus cantik the song and i can do the guitar version. sikit sikit. oh i found out yang brad wants me back. sorry, no chances babe. you hurted me so much sudah! and and M'N reading this?! how dare you :b it's okay! haha, BRAD sowee ah. you're cute and sweet and all but you hurt me banyak kali. :'/

got news, i miss you! hope aku swimmig tomorrow. oh and about swimming, aku sempat sauna-ing and steamed off in steam room. oh and aku suka jacuzzi. i like tuu! :D bye bye guys. i'll post much later on, bye love youu!